Friday, January 13, 2023

unmanned fighter jet

Unmanned Fighter Jet - The most promising fighter jet and the US military's concern is the F-35, a very expensive aircraft that costs the Air Force about $82 million each. Those exorbitant costs, and other factors, have led aircraft manufacturers and the air force to consider ways to supplement their fighter jets - manned aircraft - with small unmanned aircraft.

The latest full-size model in this category comes from Boeing, and is a 38-meter-long aircraft with two tails and no cockpit. Basically, it's a fighter jet. But, instead of high-altitude navigation and surveillance like the Global Hawk, the Boeing aircraft can perform more aggressive maneuvers. Although the airline did not reveal many details, it said it will have a range of 2,300 kilometers and "fighter-like performance." The first aircraft announced by the company was called the "Loyal Wingman" aircraft.

Unmanned Fighter Jet

Unmanned Fighter Jet

"It's designed to fly close, and fight close to other air platforms, whether it's fighters, tanks, surveillance aircraft," said Shane Arnott, who manages Boeing's flight control program, in a video. The general idea about such flights is that it is better to sacrifice a cheap drone - or to send the aircraft first, in a dangerous situation, to gather information or do something else - than to lose the aircraft in charge. such as a fighter plane or a tanker.

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"It's better for one of them to hit instead of a manned platform," Arnott said in a Reuters report in 2019 when Boeing announced the project and unveiled the prototype.

The most amazing feature is the nose of the plane which is about 9 meters long, which is completely blocked. The Air Force using this aircraft can easily replace the nose - which has an internal height of about 52 meters - with a new one with different internal equipment. That design option "allows customers to add custom hardware and software and have the aircraft ready for different missions in a short amount of time," Arnott said in an emailed statement.

The drone has a tricycle-type landing gear, like most other aircraft, meaning it is designed to take off and land in a normal trajectory. It differentiates it from a very weak craft called Valkyrie, created by Kratos. The Valkyrie, or XQ-58A, has the same general mission as Boeing's Loyal Wingman, but takes off from a runway, not tarmac, and has a range of 1,000 kilometers. Valkyrie can cost around $3 million each. Such a price may seem high, but remember that even relatively large fighter jets, such as the F-16, cost about $18.8 million in 1998 dollars, according to the US Air Force.

Boeing says Loyal Wingman will use artificial intelligence to help it navigate the skies. After all, there is no way a person, busy controlling his jet, will have the mental bandwidth to be active and constantly command the idle jets flying around him in formation at one time. For this, the ship must be able to fly independently.

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The kind of code that allows multiple drones to fly close to each other and operate in specific behaviors must be very complex. Software called Auto-GCAS already exists that can detect when a fighter jet is about to crash - it can kick in if the pilot has a potentially fatal event called a GLOC (loss of mind due to g) and then loses control. plane.

But the Air Force Research Laboratory is also working on more sophisticated software that could help detect and prevent mid-air collisions between aircraft flying in formation or training to fly. "I would say it's nowhere near as big as what we did with Auto-GCAS, but it's an area that we believe we need to research," said General Arnold Bunch, who heads the Materiel Command of the Air Force, Popular Science in January. That's because, he added, "When we talk about how we will do it for [aircraft] manned, you can also use the same technology in autonomous operations, and things that will interact, so there are many reasons to go that way." " Indeed, that's how Boeing and Kratos now go down; Lockheed Martin, maker of the F-35, is also said to be working in this area.

Boeing manufactures aircraft in Australia and works with industry in that country and the Royal Australian Air Force.

Unmanned Fighter Jet

Correction: This article has been updated to correct an error regarding the aircraft's nose height. That's 52 cubic feet, not square feet.

Turkey To Mass Produce Unmanned Fighter Jets In 2023: Erdogan

Rob Verger is Technology Editor at Popular Science, where he leads a team of reporters covering everything from transportation and the military to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Contact the author here. The National Combat Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (C), named Kızılelma, is seen at the Baykar base as the first prototype enters the production line, March 12, 2022. (Photo: @Selcuk)

Turkish drone specialist Baykar announced on Saturday that it has reached a new milestone in its unmanned aerial vehicle project, revealing that the first prototype has entered the production line.

"A bigger and faster fish has entered the production line after three and a half years," Selçuk Bayraktar, chief technology officer (CTO) of the drone manufacturer, said on Twitter.

Bayraktar mentions the time when Baykar first made Akıncı's important combat drone, called "flying fish."

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The National Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle System (MIUS) is named after Kızılelma ("red apple"), Bayraktar said, referring to a Turkish mythological phrase that symbolizes a distant, but more interesting goal, idea or dream. distance may exist.

This prototype is expected to make its first flight in 2023, if not earlier.

The MUIS will be airborne and is expected to be able to take off and land on the future Turkish amphibious assault ship TCG Anadolu.

Unmanned Fighter Jet

The helicopter carrier (LHD) is said to be the first ship of its kind in the world to allow the landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UCAVs) in its port.

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Baykar is currently working on the Bayraktar TB3 UCAV, an upgraded version of the company's popular Bayraktar TB2.

Both MIUS and TB3 will expand Turkey's drone capabilities from land operations to naval operations as both will be able to take off from TCG Anadolu.

Autonomous MIUS will be able to operate alongside piloted aircraft, and can carry air-to-air missiles, the company said.

"With the 5th generation fighters, the world will see the end of manned fighters. No new fighter planes will be developed. Unmanned systems will increase to become the strongest component on the battlefield in the future," Bayraktar said earlier.

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Unmanned combat aircraft are intended to carry out many military operations, such as strategic strikes, close air support (CAS), missile strikes, suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) and destruction of enemy air defenses (DEAD).

Baykar in November signed a contract with Ivchenko-Progress, one of the leading Ukrainian companies for the purchase of MIUS machines. Ivchenko-Progress is scheduled to supply the AI-322F Turbofan engine for the jets under the agreement.

The aircraft is designed for a maximum operating height and takeoff weight of 5,500 kilograms (12,125 pounds). It is expected to carry 1.5 tons of payload.

Unmanned Fighter Jet

It is estimated to be able to fly for five hours and reach speeds of up to 800 kph (500 mph or Mach 0.64).

Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Makes Its First Flight

You can unsubscribe at any time. By registering you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. More details about the defunct Turkish fighter jet, expected to fly in 2023, have been revealed by a senior technology official (CTO) of. leading local drone company, Baykar.

Selçuk Bayraktar, who participated in the Aviation and Space Conference organized by Gebze Technical University's Aviation and Space Club, revealed an infographic about the fighter jet project.

According to the information shared, the unmanned fighter jets will carry out many military operations, such as strategic strikes, close air support (CAS), missile attacks, enemy air defense pressure (SEAD) and enemy air defense destruction (DEAD).

The aircraft is set to a maximum operating height and weighs 5,500 kilograms (12,125 pounds). It will carry a useful load of 1,500 kg.

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The unmanned fighter jet is designed to have a five-hour flight time and will be able to reach speeds of 800 kilometers per hour (kph) (500 miles per hour - mph - or Mach 0.64).

Bayraktar previously stressed that since the domestic development of fighter jets such as the F-35 - a program from which Turkey was expelled - could take a long time, it could lead to Turkey's exit.

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